614′ “SUPRMAX” Container Ship

Here is a 614′ SUPRAMAX container ship compared to a 375′ container ship.

The 614′ SUPRAMAX-class hulls are the largest hulls I can make without special measures to insure hull stiffness. Until the expansion of the Panama Canal locks in 2016. They can dock at most large city ports across the world and can range between 150 to 200 meters in length. These vessels are one of the most common ships of the size classification above 10,000 DWT. Their size allows them to cross through most canals and locks that would restrict other ships.

As of January 12, 2021 production of these these ships is suspended while they are being retooled for 3D printing and an easier hull construction. With a beam of 97′, or more than 7.25 inches (184 mm), the stiffness of the bulkheads when made from .020″ styrene becomes a difficult issue for the ship modeler. A special run is possible for those who have contacted me previously: contact peterknolan@gmail.com.