More Delays

Just when things seemed to have reached the utter bottom, and ships and kits had started moving a little less jerkily out to the mail station, I had a soft fall in my garden late one afternoon. I got dizzy, stooped over a bit to recover, and went slowly down, wondering why the garden wall was taking such pinwheels. I’d been having some mild episodes of “positional vertigo” but this time I went down a little bit too twisted up on the path to get back up.
I ended up in the hospital where I promptly fell over a wheelchair and broke four ribs. I was freed a month when a panel of seven doctors, nurses and probably the janitor decided I had recovered (or my insurance had run out, P.S. Every writer who goes into a hospital thinks he has hot novel by the time he is out.)
To the four who had kits coming, I have apologized for the delay. Otherwise a few ships have not been introduced, the website has fallen further behind, and I am feeling better than I have in more than two years.
I’ve got the 223” side-wheeler train ferry up next. With only two two tracks, it can make a small dent in your car storage struggles or add an operating interest for 4 to 6 passenger cars. Then some new fishing boats, a small LNG tanker, a large bunker, and finally some destroyers and cruisers from WWII.
This weekend: fire up the 8000x resin printer and get 4 of the other 6 printers tuned and read to go for the side-wheeler, which is printed except for the center hull.

2 thoughts on “More Delays

  1. Holy cow, Pete! That’s a lot of stuff going on. I’m glad you are on the mend. Very excited to see your side wheeler and expect to pick one up as soon as I see if it fits my Windsor dock area. Take care.

    • Thanks, Mike. The past three months have been more challenging than anyone deserves. There’s more behind the scenes than I’ll disclose here. The decals for the side wheeler have been the problem.

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